I so whole-heartedly believe that hitting, shaming, power play, and punishments have no role in my life – and especially in raising the ones to walk this planet next. It doesn’t take a yogi to see that.

I so whole-heartedly believe that hitting, shaming, power play, and punishments have no role in my life – and especially in raising the ones to walk this planet next. It doesn’t take a yogi to see that.
I so whole-heartedly believe that hitting, shaming, power play, and punishments have no role in my life – and especially in raising the ones to walk this planet next. It doesn’t take a yogi to see that.
Gentleness is not the only aspect of my life. But it is ever present. Not instead power, honesty, ambition, or drive. But as its catalyst.
I am Patricia, daughter of Maria Helena, daughter of Thekla, daughter of mother earth . I am Patricia. Mother to Johna, mother to Marla. I am Patricia.
It doesn’t matter if someone’s drowing in 5 feet of water or 100 feet – they end up pretty dead either way. We must stop rating our pain and trauma as if it was a competition.
so assess what’s going on, stay conscious of the story you tell around it, but allow yoruself to stay kind with your experience.
A process of grief. There’s much to be felt. There’s nothing to be feared.
I’m no longer a hostage to anger. My relationships are kind and generous. Conflict and disagreements spark curiosity rather than heart-piercing anxiety.
Lack is a clean slate. Lack is abundant for we can re-create a reality beyond our wildest dreams. When I find myself with nothing left, everything is possible.
Lack is a clean slate. Lack is abundant for we can re-create a reality beyond our wildest dreams. When I find myself with nothing left, everything is possible.
And today I realised: I want to make time to meet God. Because I love. Because that kind of connection is something many chase all their life. And how lucky that it’s available so easily for us.
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